We all draw lines in the sand. Those things that we believe deeply in and for and that we will not budge on. These are the things that make up our belief system. We all have them. Even as children we have these lines and we want them to be respected and even more importantly, we want them to be understood.
Sometimes I wonder why each of us decide to draw the line in the sand where we do.
Every line that is drawn should be something that we believe deeply in the core of who we are. Our lines should point back to what we believe and how we live that out.
So that makes me very careful about my lines. It makes me very aware of my lines. Because my lines and your lines matter. They matter a great deal and they direct each of us in many ways. They also reflect our heart and what we believe in.
I think we need to make sure and take time to evaluate the line we are drawing.
I usually have one question I ask myself when I am about to draw a line. Here it is," Does it stop me from sharing the Gospel?"
If the answer is yes....then I simply MUST draw the line.
If the answer is no....I need to pause. Evaluate. Then make a decision that best supports the Gospel being spread.
It feels like many of us have forgotten that is the goal.
Instead we join right in with the loud gonging that is so very loud in our world today, and instead of bringing peace, we bring pain and hurt as we demand that our way is heard. We scream virtually at strangers and friends both because their line is different than ours.
There is a Scripture that is overlooked more often than not with believers. It is Romans 12:18. It says that if we can live at peace with men....to do so.
Be careful which sword you die by....and where you draw your line.
We are arguing about so many things that we simply do not have to be arguing about. We are making post on our social media pages that are harsh, judgmental and even cruel. We mock people's pain, ignore people's trauma, make fun of a person's struggle, and refuse to acknowledge an opinion that would defer from ours because we quite honestly walk around arrogantly thinking we are right.
So let me ask you again....
Does it prevent you from sharing the Gospel?
I teach my girls to make a stand.
I teach them to know what they believe and be able to defend that belief system by knowing WHY they believe that way.
I teach them to be bold and brave.
However.....I also teach them to make a difference by quietly going about each of their days with kindness, love, a listening ear, and a brave heart.
They do not need the world to agree with them to live out what they believe.
They do not need to be right in every conversation.
They do not need to surround themselves with people who only think like they think.
They DO need to learn how to handle conflict with grace.
They DO need to know how to articulate their beliefs without having to curse, scream, or belittle.
They DO need to learn how to see past an action and into the root of why....oh if we all could do this!
They DO need to learn when and where to draw a line.
They DO need to learn how to live out Romans 12:18.
So my dear friends....let's go and be brave enough to be kind and to live at peace with all men if possible for us to do so.
And when we draw our line, I pray it is drawn because of love.