Sunday, December 29, 2019

Toady is Sunday my friends!

Today is Sunday my friends.
To be honest, Sundays have been a struggle for me for so so SO long. Being a single mom, I have all the reasons why I am tired or just not feeling it today....but each week we get up and we go.
Sometimes it was nothing but obedience to God that got me out of the house on Sunday. Because it's hard.
The families.
The husbands and wives.
The parents helping each other out and sitting next to each other in church.
It all felt so catered to the "couples" or the "college and single" groups...and I felt so lost in all of it. It was a constant reminder of what once was...and what I thought would be...
You heart has always found beauty in the church.
Singing with hands raised or knees bowed, hands held together as the preacher prays, the beautiful sound of the pages of the Bible rustling as each person searches for the truth being shared...and I always KNEW I was called to be involved in ministry, but when my husband left, I felt he took that part of me away.
But I want to be obedient to God and I want to teach my daughters the value and importance of being part of a church family...even when it is hard. I want to teach them to go even if they don't "feel it".
Some Sundays are easier and full of joy.
Others I struggle through each part of it.
Because grief is a funny thing that comes in weird ways at times.

Here's the thing though...I know that the enemy loves to destroy and rob...he takes away things. And I refused to give him this part of myself. He had already taken so much away from the girls and I that I clung to and fought hard for this one stay connected to the Church. It wasn't easy....still isn't to be honest. The introvert  in me is comfortable with being alone and so reaching out is harder for me. As I wrestled with these feelings and was just honest with God about how I felt....I would whisper to Him that I will be obedient and go....but it was a struggle at first especially!
I can say now...three years into it...that the enemy does not get to take my purpose away. No matter how much he "took" from me....the loss of being a stay at home mom, the loss of homeschooling, the loss of being a wife to someone I loved dearly, get the picture :) He could not take away my purpose unless I handed it to him.
I still have a purpose. God still has dreams for me and plans for me. He still has dreams and plans for you. Nothing has changed that!! This part of the story was already written into our chapters, we just hadn't gotten there yet.
Maybe you are facing or have faced loss....epic loss that took your breath away and made you feel like you were free falling down a pit of despair that never seemed to end...I know what you have felt. I know the pain that has pierced your soul...and I know it can be hard to refocus with clarity and hope. So I hope I encourage you to never stop pursuing Jesus. Never stop being obedient to the One who gave His life up for you...His beloved and adored one...because He LONGS to have a relationship with you that is deep and intimate.
I can say that sometimes just getting up and doing....each after day....opening your Bible and reading His Truth. Getting dressed and going into the church, even though you sit in the back and tremble because of the awkwardness of it KEEP going. You KEEP reading. You KEEP on....there is freedom and hope that comes with that faithfulness. God has such a beautiful way of weaving the physical and spiritual together and something happens when you just stay faithful in the smallest of going to church.

Today is Sunday my friends!
A beautiful day that dawns a new week.
A beautiful moment to sit beside sisters and brothers who each have their own struggle...and we get to lift our hands up together and sing loud whether we hit the right notes or not! We get to bend our knee and cry our tears and we get to look around at the other people right there alongside of us...and KNOW that it was just as hard for some of them to walk through those doors as it was for you. We get to see brave and broken all in the same room together. We get to close our eyes and hear the whisper of the angels as they worship alongside those brave and broken souls.
Today is Sunday my friends!
A day like no other day.
A day that is meant to be sacred.
A day that is a gift to share.
A day where hearts are changed and minds are drawn to the Creator.
So let's rejoice in this day!
Let's stay faithful and true...never wavering in our love for matter what may come.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Wounds of healing

I have heard this word over and over and usually accompanied by the words," it just takes time."
I have come to dislike those words.
I have also come to a place where I realize that even healing has its own wounds. Healing is not a magical spot that once you "arrive" all the pain goes away and you are "fixed" from the hurt of whatever you are healing from.
Healing is a process of surrender. It is coming to a place where each day you surrender to the knowledge that life is not going as planned. You surrender to the process of surrender. That sounds way more complicated than it actually is.
Life is difficult at times to say the least and it can be going along in a beautiful way just for in mere seconds a shift in the whole universe causes your world to fall apart. It can happen in so many different ways.
A phone call.
A picture.
A video.
A moment.
And the shattering happens....just like that.
It will take your breath away and you will wonder if you will make it.

You will.
It will take a long time for you to really believe that.
Don't rush it.
Give yourself time to cry.
Give yourself time to grieve.
Give yourself time to be completely and utterly disappointed that life did not go as planned.
Give yourself time to face the jagged remains of what was once your heart...your dreams...even at times your soul.
Healing has its own wounds.
The wounds are their own healing.....for without them, you would not grow. You would not be able to look at this world differently.
Those of us who walk wounded....which is all of us at some point in our lives, we have a choice to make.
Stay wounded.
Or let the wounds heal...but let beauty grow from their scars.
It really is that simple....and it really is that hard.
We need to allow people to verbalize their pain. We need to allow people to say that things didn't go as planned....because even in the verbalizing of it, healing can come. We need to meet people right where they are in the middle of the really ugly moment and we don't need to tell them what to say, feel, or think....but instead we just stay beside them. We make sure they know they are not alone. We let them cry, rage, curse if they need too.....we let them heal....slowly if necessary.
God is not afraid of my pain. He doesn't look away or tell me I need to move on.
He DOES allow me to feel....and feel hard sometimes.
Sometimes the very breath you breathe is hard to feel....and the shards of our heart jab our spirit with each breath.
I get it.
I have felt it.
I have also been at the crossroads of healing.
Do I turn my heart off so I don't have to hurt anymore?
Or do I allow myself to feel this pain....trusting that God is growing beauty from it?
I am the only one that can answer that.
You are the only one that can answer the cry of your own heart?
So will you stop it from beating so that you save yourself from pain?
Or do you let it beat....throbbing at times....trusting that with each painful throb....something beautiful is coming?
For me....I choose beauty.
And I know it comes with a cost.
It will require my tears...and it will hurt.
But what will come from that pain, is something so beautiful that every second of the pain will be worth it.
It may not feel that way right now.
I get it.
But my dear friend....even when your heart is breaking....BELIEVE IN THE BEAUTIFUL.
God is at work in these scar filled hearts of ours.
God is orchestrating a melody and symphony that will capture the darkness you feel and turn it into a bright and powerful light for the one behind you just beginning their journey.
God is growing these tired and worn out hearts into something captivating.
We just have to BELIEVE IN THE BEAUTIFUL....really and deeply believe.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

New adventures yet again....

There have been several things that have happened lately that have kind of taken my breath away....things that I have prayed against much of my adult life....and I have had to learn how to adjust to these seemingly unanswered prayers.
Now before we go on, let me just say that these things I write about are my convictions. They are not meant to be yours nor do I judge or condemn if they are not yours....because as you will see as you read through this, even my own convictions have been challenged so much in these last few years.

So....Let's see......where do I start.....

Most of you reading this know me. You know that I have very strong convictions and that I can be fiercely determined when it comes to what I believe in. I have always believed in homeschooling my children, staying at home and taking care of my home and my husband, being involved in my community and truly desiring to make a change in the world around me.

I loved all of these things and took great pride in them. Being at home with my girls and volunteering at different places within our community gave my heart a safe place and I felt like I was living out my calling. I loved taking care of my home and having supper on the table when my husband got home from work....because that was what I was called to do. And I delighted in that calling.

Then one day...the world kind of fell apart. Everything changed.
I lost the ability to be a stay at home mom. I desperately clung to homeschooling my girls and tried for two years to keep the "normal" going.....but it wasn't normal anymore. Things had changed and I refused to change with them. I was so scared guys....because I felt like I was losing my calling.

Have you ever felt like you have completely lost your calling? Like everything you thought you knew was the right way to go, turned out to be a mirage of sorts....and you were left standing in a room of memories that you didn't even know how to sort out. What was truth? What was lies? What was real? What was always just a fantasy?

It is one of the scariest feelings in the least for me it was.

Then you come to the realization that things ARE GOING to change. One way or the other....whether you like it or not.

I had to make some decisions and I wrestled and wrestled with those decisions! I DID NOT want to send my girls to public school. I'm not against public school....I just felt strongly about my calling to home school.

And I did not understand how God could call me to home school just to change His mind later in the game.

Sigh....God has a way of doing things that I just can't figure out. His ways are definitely NOT my ways. And to be honest....sometimes trusting Him is hard. I sometimes look around and think," Are you seeing this God?" " Are you sure You have a plan that is good that involves this pain and hurt?"
It can be hard to process at the God of the universe who has every ability to stop pain, instead, uses pain for our good. It hard to understand that at times....but I'm learning.

Anyway, so this year we have made another huge change for our family. I am sending my girls to public school. It has not been an easy decision and I have struggled with it for quite awhile, however, in the surrender of yet another dream of "my plan"....peace comes.

I walked through the High school with my girls and prayed as we walked through....I saw beautiful students walking around just as nervous and excited as my girls. I saw students who would make good choices and students who would make bad choices. I saw teachers who genuinely were excited to see their students back and talked to counselors and principals who truly loved and cared for these kids. I heard of teachers and principals who also viewed this school as their mission field. And I think God began to change my eyesight....He started opening my eyes to the good that could be.

Sometimes we all have these convictions. These deliberate and thought out choices that we make a stand on and feel very strongly about. Those are good to have and we all need to stand strong in our convictions and learn how to be firm in them....even as we learn how to be flexible in the Holy Spirit.
You see, I also am incredibly firm in my belief that God is sovereign in all things. That means that when pain or hurt comes along....God is still sovereign in it. That means that when a life change happens that completely takes our breath away, God is still sovereign. His sovereignty is NEVER based on my circumstances. Nor are they based on how I feel about a situation :)

So...there I was, walking through the halls of a huge high school and praying for my girls. At one point I felt the tears pop in my eyes and had to swallow them down quickly. Those were the tears of someone still struggling with not getting her way. At the same time, I hear God whisper to my heart," Do you trust me Brandi?" I wanted to quickly retort with," yeah but...."....however I just got real quite inside. I came home and went into my war room and cried for a bit...but hey...I cry over everything and that's ok ;) I asked God to give me wisdom....and strength...and peace. I asked Him to bring up a verse that would speak to my heart and let me know that everything is ok.

In true God fashion, He began to bring up verse after verse of how He will never leave my girls.
How He loves them more than I do.
How He formed them from day one with a specific plan.
A plan that He knew would include this moment in their life.
How He has sealed them for His glory.
How He has surrounded them with specific warrior angels.
How He created the starts and sun and moon....and my girls are dear to His heart even more than those things.
How He had given me precious moments to train them and teach them and now it was time for them to live out what I had taught them.
He showed me Moses...who's mom only had a few years with him before letting him go into Pharaoh's house and how God had always known the plan for Moses....even when his momma did not.
He showed me Samuel and how He was only with his mom for a very small timeframe before he too had to go and live out his calling.
He showed me young Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.and how they were taken from their homes and put it into a place that none of them wanted....and yet....God already had a plan for them there.

Ultimately, it really did boil down to that one simply terrifying question," Do you trust me Brandi?"

Honestly, I feel like this question has been asked of me so many times by Him over the last few years....and I always answer yes. Because I DO trust Him....even though I DON'T always understand Him. And this time is going to be no different.

The girls are I have a new adventure ahead...for some of you reading this, you may be shaking your heads and thinking it's not that big of a deal...and for others reading this, you may be thinking that I have lost my marbles to allow this....LOL.
Ultimately....I'm just doing the best I can. I'm just moving forward each day and praying that somehow in the long run, it's all going to turn out ok. I'm just praying that God will continue to be Sovereign...and He will.
I'm praying that I will continue to learn to trust His heart more and more....
I'm praying that I will not be in my comfort zone.(although I LOVE my comfort zone and miss it so badly at times), it is when I am completely unsure of myself that I really have to trust the God I serve. I have to trust that His Word is true.
I have to trust that He is good. Always.

I just want to walk through this life honest with people. Honest about the struggle. Honest about how shaky my faith can be at times. Honest that life isn't always easy....and honest that sometimes I doubt and cry and complain and wonder what in the heck is going on....
But I also want to be honest about the God I serve.
Because He has never once broken His Word to me.
He has never once proved Himself unfaithful to my girls and I.
He has never once been shaken by something that has shaken my world.
He has never once been surprised by my pain, or my insecurities.
He has always loved me exactly as I am and where I am.
He has always continued to push me into deeper waters where I cannot touch and where I have no other choice but to trust that He will be there...and He always is.
I serve Jehovah. And Jehovah is worthy of being praised even when I am unsure of where all this is going to go....

This year could be amazing for my could be terrible....I honestly don't know which way it is going to go. I DO KNOW that God will be with them. I DO KNOW that if God is for them, I don't need to worry about who is against them. I DO KNOW that they will have opportunity to make choices this we all do. And those choices are already known by God.
I also do know that I will be praying ALOT through this year.....and that at times I might get a little emotional. I'm still processing everything that I have had to give up....and at times it is still very hard on my heart. I'm still trying to figure out the," now what" part of what is my calling? What is my purpose? What is the plan? What am I going to be when I grow up kind of thing....because everything I ever thought would be...isn't.
I'm still trying to figure out how all of this is going to be for my good and the good of my girls....and I'm still trying to understand so many broken things. No matter what though....I stand firm on what God's Word says. I believe and will not let the enemy steal my faith or my joy.

So maybe you are going through some big changes as well....things that you are wondering about....and maybe together, we can just walk through life being honest and raw with each other and learning to encourage and uplift each other...even when we may not understand any of it ourselves. Maybe we can teach our children that we don't always have it together or all figured out either...but we do serve a God who does.

Friday, May 10, 2019

The life I use to live....and what it's really like now.

The truth is...divorce is hard.
Not just on the kids.
You see....I never wanted this. I prayed with everything in me AGAINST the divorce....and yet....I am the one that filed FOR the divorce. It is all so complicated and frustrating. 
I still think divorce is terrible. I think it should be the VERY LAST THING someone does and ONLY when there is a refusal from the other person to give up adultery and abuse.
But no matter the still hurts.

The life I use to live was double side was beautiful. A handsome husband, a house out in the country, a family of six daughters...sewing, dancing in the kitchen, piano playing, gardening and working on our little country home....involved in our church and our community through dance and foster care and adoption and special needs events....I loved that part of the life I use to live....
But then the other side...angry outburst, gambling the paychecks away, holes punched in walls, fear, lying, tears, wondering where your loved one was or who they were with, covering for them became the normal....I still grieve over that part of the life I use to live.

Adultery had become a "normal" in my world....adultery with porn, massage parlors, and other women....but when I made a covenant to love my husband, I meant it. I made a vow before God to walk through fire for my husband and I meant every word. And it was put to the test....over and over. I use to cry many times at night because I didn't know where my husband was or who he was with this time and I never could stay a step ahead of him! I would I would try!...but it didn't matter. When someone has determined to do wrong, nothing you can do will matter. They just become sneaker and more creative in how to deceive you. 
But I NEVER wanted a divorce. I wanted my marriage. I wanted my husband. I wanted to honor and respect him even through terrible heartache. I wanted my daughters to see their parents grow old together and watch them push through hard times.
So I prayed. I begged God to change my husbands heart!! I had friends praying for God to move on his heart....and nothing happened except he got farther away. I cried until there were no tears left and I broke into so many pieces that there was nothing left of me. I can still remember sitting in our marriage counselors office,( who had become a good friend by this point) and he asked my husband,"will you stop having this relationship with this other woman so that your marriage can try and survive?"....and my husband....the one that I had given myself to completely and the one that I had determined to stand by NO MATTER WHAT....was walking away from me. And the life I use to live was about to be destroyed forever....

I left that counselors office crying so hard I could not see to drive. I parked my car and lost it. I screamed. I cried. I begged God to move on my husbands heart. I could not think....I could only pulse pain....

I drove home and talked with my parents and they reminded me that God hasn't given up and neither should I! I needed to set up some firm boundaries but keep praying for redemption. I called our recovery Pastor and recovery Counselor and I got many, many people praying on behalf of my husband. Every Sunday, my daughters and I would throw ourselves on the altar at our church and weep....begging God to DO SOMETHING! Every evening my girls and I would grab each others hands and ask God to move on their daddy's heart....

He left.

He moved states away to be with his girlfriend. A married woman who was getting a divorce in part to my husbands role in her life. It devastated me. It ruined me. It changed me. And it changed my daughters.

We had always taught the girls that marriage is a beautiful covenant between God and a man and woman. We had always taught our girls that God redeems and restores. Up to the day my husband drove off, we prayed for a miracle....but the day he left...our world crashed. My daughters faith was shaken and turned upside down and we all began to fall....desperately crying out to God to catch us! I thought I would fact....I would lay in my bed at night and cry and cry and ask God to take me home because I just couldn't do it. The pain was to much and I didn't want to survive it! I TRULY believed that God wanted my marriage to make it! I TRULY believed that God was going to wake my husband up and bring him home to his family....but that did not happen. And my faith was shaking....because God IS GOOD! He is ALWAYS FOR HIS CHILDRENS GOOD.....and IF THIS was His good....did I want that? 

I couldn't bring myself to file for divorce so I filed for legal separation...secretly hoping that one day I would open the door and there would be my husband....coming home to the family who desperately loved him and STILL believed in him....but that didn't happen...and I had to make choices that I wanted nothing to do with. 

I prayed and wrestled with what to do. I was still grieving in IMMENSE ways and was also having to learn how to become a working single mother. I felt so very lost. Even now when I write about it, I can feel the pain of those moments....they were so dark and lonely and I was so unsure of everything. I felt rejection in ways that I cannot explain. I felt ugly. I felt unwanted. I felt unloved. I felt like all the 16 years of praying and supporting and loving my husband through all his addictions and junk he put our family through....meant nothing. Sometimes I still feel that way. But I also pressed into the Word of God like never before! I woke up and instantly grabbed my Bible or I could not make myself get out of bed. I read it throughout the entire day because I couldn't make it through without it...sometimes at my job, I would lock myself in the bathroom and literally would fall to my knees and cry because I longed to be a stay at home mom and I missed the life I use to live and my heart ached. I went to bed reading the Word and I kept the Word on audio throughout the entire  night.....I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't make it through this. 

As I sought out wisdom and prayed....and the heart of my husband was not coming home....I knew I was going to have to file for a divorce. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. When your spouse commits adultery, that spouse doesn't know what love is...but the faithful spouse....they don't just "fall out of love". I FOUGHT for my marriage because I WANTED my marriage. I didn't just stop loving the man that I had committed to love for the rest of my life....what I was having to do though is realize that the man I loved had never loved me like that....because when you truly love someone in a covenant put their needs ahead of your own. You selflessly lay down your desires for supporting them....and when you walk through rehab, recovery groups, sober living homes....and all the pain that caused them to go INTO those things to begin with.....just to have them walk away from you when they decide they want something "different".....your love doesn't just stop. All the shattered pieces inside of you just swirl around cutting everything inside of you....and you bleed raw. 

My love for my husband didn't just "go away". I have had to surrender it to Jesus every day. I have had to lay down my love for my husband....the covenant love that I made a vow to God and him....I just had to lay it down at the feet of my King and ask Him to take it away. 

I can't say that my love for my husband is completely gone although I don't ever want to go back to the pain and fear that I lived in. I grieve for my husband and the way he has " normalized" his behavior.  I grieve the life I once lived many times over....but I am learning to love the life I AM LIVING.

Adultery destroys families. Lies destroy families. There is never a time that adultery is ok. There is never a time that abuse is ok. For way to long, I lived in a secret place of pain afraid of speaking the truth because I was so worried about what people would think of I stayed. And I was wrong to tolerate abuse. I was wrong to stay silent. There are far to many women just like me, that stay silent when they should speak out....and there are far to many people who believe the lies of someone who has along history of lying over the cries of a broken woman. I want that stopped. I NEVER want my girls to be afraid to speak the truth about what is going on in their lives! I NEVER want my girls to tolerate adultery, emotional, physical, or substance abuse, lies and is NOT ok. We can't be afraid of the word repentance and we can't be afraid to hold people accountable to live out truth. None of us are perfect. We all struggle....but we need to make sure our children know the difference between struggling with sin and walking hand in hand with sin.  

I am now a single working mom of six beautiful daughters. I have a job that I am learning more about each day and am grateful to serve at. I have a King who provides. Protects. Guards. and Speak life over us. I am still adjusting to life as a single mom. Most days it feels like it will be an adjustment forever....but maybe it will get easier one day. Being a single mom is hard. Sometimes I just wonder how I can do it all....and I am so thankful for the grace my children give me every day as I figure out how to do this.

The Word of God is alive. The very Scriptures I read every day are lived out before me and I see the hand of God in each moment of my life and my daughters lives....and I am breathing again.

Our family is so very different than the one I dreamed of....and the girls and I are still learning what that looks like but God continues to put new dreams in our hearts. 

I wish there was  a book that told me how to walk each day of this out....and I wish there was a "one fits all" kind of manual....but there's not. Each of us process things differently and I am doing my best to process all of this through the Word of God as my foundation.

God's plan for my life has not changed. God's plan for my daughters lives has not changed. He is ALWAYS for our good. He still has beautiful moments ahead for us....moments of joy and love and adventure....and we are looking forward each day to those moments! When we need a good cry...we simply have one. We stay grounded in truth and do not allow ourselves to get pulled into chaos that does not belong to us. We do not enable but we do love. We encourage each other and we give each other grace. We are dreaming again....and they are beautiful dreams.

So the life I use to live is gone....and a new life is here. A life I am still figuring out....but a life I am learning to love.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

When victory looks broken.

Victory: It is a powerful word that makes one think instantly of power and winning. When we hear the word VICTORY, we see David conquering the Giant...or we see the walls of Jericho crumbling to the ground! We see the enemy defeated and those victorious standing strong with swords above their heads screaming a fierce victory cry!!.....

But I am having to relearn what victory actually is.

Victory is a woman on her knees with tears flowing down....but hands lifted in worship.
Victory is children praying for their dad even though their hearts are so broken by him.
Victory can look like brokenness.

I mean....when Jesus was hanging on the Cross, it did not look like victory. At least not how we usually think of it....but it never once was NOT victory.
When Jesus was being whipped and was victory.
When the crowd was yelling was victory.
When they were mocking was victory.
When Jesus took His last breath....victory.
When they took His body down and lay Him down in the tomb....victory.
When the stone rolled away...VICTORY!!

I think of Joseph....who was sold by his sibling into human trafficking....and it was victory.
Who was lied about and tossed into a was victory.

Or the disciples....who were murdered in terrible ways for placing their faith in Jesus....and was victory!


Because my friend....we serve a God who is VICTORIOUS! I have been thinking a lot about this because a friend recently called me out on something I said about always feeling broken....and she challenged me to take a deeper look at that through the lens of I have. And I was wrong. I absolutely had the wrong view on that! If God is sovereign... and He is...and Scripture is true...which it is....then everything I am walking through is for my good. Everything Joseph went through was for his good. Everything Jesus went through was for our good. Everything the disciples went through was for their good....and everything I am walking is for my good. It has always been for my good. That has never changed. Not once.

What changes is my feelings. Circumstances and choices of others and just sin....can make me "feel" certain anything BUT victorious. But that is because I am using an earthly mindset when dealing with spiritual things.
My husbands rejection of me did not change God's view on me one bit. My identity did not change....but my feelings did. God still saw me as a priceless daughter of great worth....but I no longer saw me that way. My purpose did not disappear just because my husband purpose is written on the very tablets of Heaven! But my feelings about my purpose changed....I no longer felt like I had a purpose. I had built the last few years of my marriage on fighting FOR my marriage and standing firm against the enemy who was AGAINST my marriage and when my husband left for good that time....I thought he took my purpose and calling with him. That was a lie.

I want to quote my friend here for a minute because God used her words to penetrate right through the lies I was believing just like His Word promises that it does in Hebrews 4:12.
She said to me," Your soul may hurt, but that is NOT who you are! You are who God says you are. Period. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. NOT a human having a spiritual experience. Your soul may hurt, but your soul was designed to submit to the Spirit. You are already healed and whole. You are NOT a victim. You are victorious! You are chosen. You are NOT rejected. Shift your identity back to WHO YOU REALLY ARE....and walk Victorious!"

She is right. And I am grateful for friends who are much wiser than I am :)
The truth hurt me when my husband walked away from me. It can still hurt when I let my mind think on it....but that rejection does not have to have authority in my life. I can walk confidently as a daughter of the King of kings! Not one time during this has God wondered what was coming next
or how this was going to end....God sees into the very deepest parts of my heart...and my husbands heart. God has written my name on His hand....I am on His heart every moment of every day. He looks with tenderness on my daughters and I, even as we process through all of the different emotions that come with this journey. I am able to choose joy each day because I have the spirit of Christ living in me...and so do my girls.
We are processing through this whole thing DIFFERENTLY than the world around us. I am determined not to let bitterness or anger take root in me. I want to love. I want to see even those that hurt me through the eyes of Jesus. I have to fight for that eyesight sometimes! I have to remind myself that God is in control and that all of this is for my good! Nothing has changed. Even though everything has changed....does that make sense? God is still on His throne. God is still directing and guiding my path. God is still fighting on behalf of my girls and I. God fully accepts and adores us. His Word is true.

What a beautiful thing to surrender a broken heart and know that even in the brokenness....there is victory. I still have a lot to learn about true victory...and my true identity. So victory may look very, very different than what I think it should. It might look like a broken marriage and lots of tear stained pages in a journal. It might look like being thrown into a pit and sold into slavery. It might look like a cross with a King nailed to it. It might look like a stone rolled away!!! It might look like a smile on my face even if tears still stain my cheeks. And I am grateful. I am humbled to live this journey out....even all the hard parts. Each part is teaching me more and more about my Father....and I am more convinced than every before that my GOD REIGNS!

~Victory in Jesus, my savior forever. He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood!~
Praise God for HIS VICTORY! I pray I keep learning more...and more...and never stop learning of His precious promises and precious love for His children!

This video shows the brokenness of life...and the Victory of Jesus BECAUSE of that brokenness. How I pray that God will continue to change my eyesight for His and that He will continue to peel back the veil so that I can see through every pain...that it is for my good. VICTORY IN JESUS! ALWAYS.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Live on purpose

Sometimes it is easy to get lost in this the hurt that this world can cause. Sometimes things happen that leave us wondering how everything get so turned upside are some things that keep me rooted. Living with intent is vital....and these things continue to help me live each day with intent. Maybe they will help you as well:

Stay soft.

Stay gentle.

Stay true.

Don't give up your faith.

Don't give up your joy.

Believe in miracles.

Have hope.


Pray huge unbelievable prayers.

Never waiver off of God's Word.

Study His Word.

Consume it.

Live it. Breath it. Let it become ingrained in you.

Don't you ever give up. Ever.

Share your story. 

Don't be afraid of someone's pain. Look them straight in the eye and see their pain. It's ok.

Stand firm and bold on truth and do not be afraid to speak that truth.

Do not allow someone to manipulate God's truth and use it against you.

Do not allow abuse in your life.

Be brave enough to set boundaries, even when it is scary.

Pray for the people who are hurting you or those you love. Not kind of....but with intention.

Ask for wisdom. Every day.

Lead out in TRUTH.

Sing loud.

Dance whenever you want.

Stay active.

Never lose the wonder of adventure that each new day brings.

Believe that the God of the universe is in control. No one else.

Live out your faith. Don't just talk about it.

Be authentic.

Be raw.

These things I will stand on. For this may be messy and full of brokenness and broken people....but it is also full of wonder. Beauty. Adventure. Joy.
No one can make me see that or take it from me....for it is within me. And I choose to see this world and the people in this world as the beautifully messy place that it is. For God looked upon this world and His heart was moved to such compassion that He sent His One and only Son to die for this world when He could have simply looked the other way....and I want HIS EYES.

Don't you?