Tuesday, November 17, 2015

When your heart is just plain weary

      One of the things I have noticed lately is that we as women are tired. Just plain tired. We are weary of laundry, dishes, busy schedules, and dreams being broken. Our hearts are heavy with grief over jobs lost, children hurting, husbands struggling, and watching a world fall to pieces. We deal with feeling loneliness even though we are surrounded by people.  We feel the pain of the mommies all over the world who fear for the children's lives right now and we feel the brokenness of so many because we are women....and we were created to feel...and feel deeply.
      We are weary.....and at times it seems like the weariness is just to deep and the ache in our hearts is to sharp and all we can think about is surviving. At times it seems like each breath we take inhales more pain and with each exhale we fall deeper into those feelings of unworthiness, not good enough, not strong enough, not on top of things enough.....just not enough. Our hearts have become weary from all the ugliness of the world and the hateful words and the cheap shots.

        And so today.....I offer a small place to come and find comfort. I offer a few words that I pray will soothe your tired heart. You are loved. You are a precious daughter of a King. You were created with aching tenderness from an artist that captured all of everything beautiful into one beautiful creation....you! You have a great and mighty purpose. You may not always feel like you do....but you do. Always. You are making a difference. You are not alone in your struggles. You are pursued by a great lover. You are treasured and cherished exactly as you are. You are achingly beautiful to your Heavenly groom.
      Today....go outside....even if just for a moment. Take a deep breath. Lift your arms in praise....don't be afraid of anyone around you. For just this moment....it is you and your King. Praise Him. Thank Him. Trust His heart....and know that right now at this very moment....even as you read these words....the Holy Spirit is here with you. He is hearing your tears and see's your heavy heart. He knows how brave you are trying to be and yet how broken you feel inside....and He is here. He is looking at you with deep tenderness in His eyes and He is singing over you. The God who created this world around us by speaking it into being....is with you right now. And He is proud of you. He is in a covenant with you that cannot be broken. You have a beautiful story already written and as daughters of the King....it ends in Victory!! It does not end in defeat. It ends in glory my friend....so hang in there. The chapter you are in right now, may not be a fun one and it may have more tears than laughing right now....but it is just a chapter. And there are many more chapters to be read still....so hang in there my beautiful sisters. And today....just for this moment....breathe in His grace and exhale out His goodness.

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