Monday, September 12, 2016

The journey of surrender:

                                                              Rules versus relationship.....
        Somewhere along the road we have lost the difference between these two. And they are very, very different things. Rules are things that must be obeyed or a consequence will follow. Rules are things that someone else has set as the law. And rules must be obeyed. And rules aren't always bad....but they are no replacement for relationship....ever.
       Relationship is something we pursue. Relationship is something between two or more people and relationship deals with emotions, needs and desires. So why do we confuse the two? When we look at how we interact with we think it is more about rules or relationship?
        The two can resemble each other alot sometimes. And so what I have found is that the way to distinguish between the the heart....the very spirit inside of us.  What is my motive in doing or not doing something? What is the reason behind me not participating or participating in something? Am I doing it because it is against the rules or am I doing it because my relationship with Christ would not be honored because of it. is like this....I am married. Therefore, I do not go anywhere alone with another man. Not because I am in a relationship with anyone else, and not because I am afraid that I could be swept away by someone is because of my relationship with my husband and my desire to honor that above all else that I do not go alone with another man. It is because of my love for my husband that keeps me from doing certain things. It is like that with Christ for me.
       I do not listen to certain music because I do not think it honors my King. I do not watch certain shows or movies because they do not line up with what my King teaches in His Word. I do not dress a certain way because it would bring more attention to my body than to my King who lives in me and so I simply don't do it. Not because of a rule. Or a judgment....but because of the love I have for Him and the love He shows me every moment.

        Love is mentioned in the Bible quite a bit....551 times in the Old and New Testament in the NIV version....and so you would think that we would have a fairly accurate grasp of love....but we are not even close. We live in a world that is completely upside down when it comes to love. We think that love is a physical response to someone or that love is how we "feel" at the current moment....or maybe even that love is "just putting up" with harmful behaviors from someone. And so because we have the wrong view on love....on relationship....on rules....we live a life that is confusing to the world around us.
     God's Word is clear on how involved He expects to be in our life after we surrender our heart to His....and it is simply....everything. He expects us to honor EVERYTHING. He makes it clear that He is a jealous God and that He will not tolerate sharing our hearts with any other gods....and He also wants us to live a life that stands different than those around us. But we walk around clinging to "our stuff" and try and keep it separate it from our relationship with Christ....and friends....that will never work. We have over complicated it to such peril that many of us don't even know how to truly walk in Christ. The main reason for this confusion I believe is that we have forgotten how to study God's Word. Recently a poll was taken by Christianity today and it said that less than 18% of all church goers read their Bible daily....less than 18%!!!! This is completely spiritually tragic! Reading God's Word cannot be an option. This is our battle plan! This is the very letters of the King of King written to us! God's Word is priceless, a delight and a treasure that we have the beauty of holding in our hands and opening each and every day and to take this for granted is such a tradegy that I don't even have the words to express this must grieve our Father's heart!
      Without opening God's Word every day, we are fighting from a huge disadvantage.....and the enemy knows this. When we open God's Word every day and we soak in His changes the battle. We are now fighting from a position of authority. We are no longer bound by physical eyes that struggle to understand what is going on around us....because we have unlocked a spiritual key...which opens our spiritual eyes to see and hear God's Truth in ways we cannot do when we are not in His Word! And something begins to happen deep in the very depths of our begins to long for the things of Christ. Things that bring glory and praise to Him. We start to see and hear this world around us differently....we start to see things that we have allowed into our lives because we thought they weren't really that big of a deal...and now we see that they are. And the surrendering begins....and it is a beautiful surrender.

     I wish we would just stop acting like things don't matter....they do. The enemy hates you if you are a believer. He wants to destroy you. He wants to deceive you. He wants to lull you into a numbness so that you forget that every day he is against you. That isn't written to create need to stand up straight, rooted in God's Word....and look our enemy straight in the eye and start using the authority that God has given us! We are told in God's Word how this ends for our enemy....and he is just a coward. A fallen angel who is so full of pride and arrogance that he gave up all the wonders of heaven to cling to his filthy hate. We need to quit being afraid and start living brave. We need to hold our swords up high and LIVE DIFFERENT than this tired, broken, hurt, and very confused world....
     This world is not my home. I am only here for a tiny, brief moment....and so are you. After that....we will spend eternity walking, breathing, smelling, tasting, working. We will have jobs and homes and family celebrations of epic proportions! We will meeet and talk with so many that up to that point have only read about....and we will see Jesus. We will see the scars in His hands and the love in His eyes.....and we will feel His arms around us in a hug that I can only dream of! This day WILL come....we will all bow on our knees to a risen Savior! Some of us will gladly fall to our knees with arms stretched wide in adoration....others will fall to their knees with anguish and grief as they finally realize that it is all true....that HE is TRUTH....but we will ALL bow. Which is the day of surrender will come for all of us...and the King of Kings wants nothing more than for you to surrender now. Open your arms....bow your knee....and surrender to Him now....rather than later. Because He longs for a relationship with you. Not rules....not consequences....but a relationship. It is the one thing that the Creator of the universe continually And then dive in! Dive into His Word. Ask for help if you don't know how....we are ALL learning each and every day more and this is the journey that we are meant to walk together....helping each other up and encouraging when one of us is weak....and together we will walk this journey of surrender. What a beautiful journey to walk! A journey of our Father's heart....a journey of hope and love....a journey that never ends....ever....a journey of surrender!


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